Are you a fan of Fortnite, Epic Games' well-known Battle Royale title, and you usually play it on a computer. You think the game is particularly fun, however, you get the impression that some users have an edge: it almost feels like they are able to aim perfectly. […]
I tuoi amici giocano tutti a Fortnite, uno dei Battle Royale gratuiti più famosi degli ultimi anni. Hai dunque deciso di provarlo anche tu ma, purtroppo, non essendo molto pratico d’informatica, non riesci a capire come accedervi dal tuo computer. Le cose stanno […]
Quando hai creato per la prima volta un account Epic Games per giocare a Fortnite con i tuoi amici, lo hai fatto un po’ distrattamente. Non sapevi se questo famoso videogioco ti sarebbe piaciuto e non hai quindi scelto con cura il nickname da utilizzare in gioco. […]
Are you an avid gamer of Fortnite and, after spending several hours in the world of the famous title developed by epic Games, you have collected tons of costumes and V-Bucks. In light of this, you would like to increase the security of your account in order to […]
Ultimamente giochi spesso a Fortnite, uno dei videogiochi che hanno reso popolare il genere Battle Royale, e ti diverti a trovare sempre nuove sfide. A tal proposito, hai sentito parlare dell’arrivo della skin di Wolverine all’interno del titolo di epic Games […]
Molti dei tuoi amici giocano a Fortnite e così, incuriosito da questo videogioco ormai popolare e divenuto il fulcro di molte conversazioni, ti sei deciso finalmente a scaricarlo e installarlo sul tuo computer. Hai quindi prontamente mandato la richiesta […]
Fortnite, the popular Battle Royale video game developed by Epic Games, is constantly expanding. Always ready to welcome many new features, the game lends itself well to the inclusion of characters from other universes of the videogame world, and beyond. In this […]
You recently bought a console Nintendo Switch and you're pretty excited about it: you can't wait to be able to play your favorite games on the go, as well as on your home TV. Speaking of which, you'd like to start playing right away Fortnite, but first you have […]
All your friends do nothing but talk about Fortnite but, unfortunately you, not having a gaming computer or even a video game console, are cut off from their talk. Recently, however, you learned about the arrival of this famous multiplayer title on smartphones […]
You have a PC and would like to play Fortnite together with a friend of yours who has a PlayStation 4, or vice versa? Have you started playing Fortnite on consoles, would you like to bring your progress to the computer but don't know how to do it? No problem: know […]