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    How to improve aim on Fortnite PC

    Since you downloaded it to your PC, you are getting more and more passionate about Fortnite, the famous title of Epic Games, and you are looking for tips that will allow you to improve your gaming performance. Going into more detail, you would like to know how […]

    How to change your name on Fortnite PS4

    When did you start playing Fortnite on your PlayStation 4 did you choose a name that you no longer like? Would you like to change it but you don't know how to do it? Then know that you've come to the right place at the right time! In the course of this guide, […]

    How to put anonymous on Fortnite

    Are you an avid gamer of Fortnite and, after so much hard training, you are going to face other players in a tournament that, for the occasion, you will broadcast in live streaming. Before starting the game you would like to activate the option you need to ensure […]

    How to update Fortnite

    Fortnite è un gioco online e, dunque, richiede una connessione a Internet attiva per essere giocato. Altra cosa importante è che si tratta di un titolo che riceve aggiornamenti con una certa frequenza. Periodicamente, infatti, gli sviluppatori di Fortnite […]

    How to return skins in Fortnite

    Are you an avid player of Fortnite and, recently, you decided to shop in the Item Shop of the popular video game developed by Epic Games. However, after buying several costumes and decorative backs, you've had a second thought and are looking for a way to retrace […]

    How to put smiley face on Fortnite name

    Recently, while playing a Fortnite, you noticed something different than usual: a player has customized his nickname in a very original way, adding a smiley to the name displayed in the game. You think this change is really interesting and would like to know how […]

    How to decrease ping on Fortnite

    Are you an avid player of Fortnite, a cui dedichi spesso parte del tuo tempo libero. Durante le sessioni di gioco, però, ti sei accorto che hai dei problemi di lag, che potrebbero essere causati da un aumento improvviso del ping (cioè della latenza […]

    How to get free skins on Fortnite

    Spinto dalla curiosità e dalla voglia di giocare a un videogioco insieme ai tuoi amici, hai scaricato Fortnite, realizzando felicemente in seguito che questo titolo rispecchia i tuoi gusti videoludici. Tra una partita e l’altra, hai notato che alcuni giocatori […]

    How to improve on Fortnite PC

    To play Fortnite su PC è diventato incredibilmente impegnativo: questo perché, con la diffusione e il successo del gioco in tutto il mondo, il livello della competizione nelle battaglie online si è alzato moltissimo. Per non parlare di quanti giocatori "popolano" […]

    How to unlock Neymar Jr on Fortnite

    Fortnite is one of the most popular video games ever. Known as one of the main titles belonging to the Battle Royale genre, even if in reality it was not quite like this at the beginning, the Epic Games game has achieved such popularity that it can afford to include […]