You have recently started playing Fortnite on PlayStation 4 and would like to learn how to build walls, platforms, ramps and traps? Have you seen your favorite streamer implement sophisticated techniques to quickly place elements on the playing field in Fortnite […]
Playing at Fortnite sul tuo PC, hai notato che i personaggi di alcuni tuoi amici sfoggiano accessori estetici davvero accattivanti: per esempio, uno di loro ha un bellissimo costume, mentre l’altro si fa notare per le sue numerose emote. Ti domandi, […]
You are an "avid" player of Fortnite, Epic Games' popular Battle Royale title. In particular, you have installed the game on your computer and are having a lot of fun playing with your friends. However, you find that the keys set by default do not allow you to […]
Lately you have decided to get closer to Fortnite, the hugely popular Battle Royale title from Epic Games. It is, in fact, a game that may suit your taste, however you are having trouble understanding how to play it. Don't worry: this tutorial is designed to dispel […]
Recently, while playing a Fortnite, you noticed something different than usual: a player has customized his nickname in a very original way, adding a smiley to the name displayed in the game. You think this change is really interesting and would like to know how […]
Are you an avid gamer of Fortnite su Xbox One and you feel the need to customize your virtual avatar, to give it a unique touch that best represents you. Speaking of which, you've heard of the possibility of getting costumes in Fortnite, but you don't know how […]
You found out that your best friend plays Fortnite and, intrigued by this, you too have installed the famous multiplayer title developed by Epic Games. Unfortunately, however, all your attempts to add him to your list of friends within the video game did not […]
You have long since started playing Fortnite, the well-known Battle Royale of Epic Games, and you are giving a lot of space to the title during your gaming sessions on PlayStation 4. In fact, you think that Fortnite is a lot of fun, even if at times you have found […]
When did you start playing Fortnite on your PlayStation 4 did you choose a name that you no longer like? Would you like to change it but you don't know how to do it? Then know that you've come to the right place at the right time! In the course of this guide, […]
You just started playing Fortnite and you still don't quite understand how the experience points system works, so you would like some suggestions about it. To be precise, you would like to learn how to level up your character in the shortest time possible, so you […]